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internal audit software

The ideal solution for all public and private players

Innovative internal auditing software that can be customized to take account of your context, and that you can develop autonomously. Customize the organization and progress of your audit assignment. Choose simplicity and flexibility, and benefit from all the advantages of a digital, collaborative and secure tool, guaranteeing an optimal user experience.

The benefits of our internal audit software

Identify and plan your internal audit assignments

Create, plan and organize your internal audit assignments, documenting all relevant aspects of each audit.

Provide detailed descriptions of the objectives, scope and criteria for each assignment, to facilitate their completion and follow-up.

Make the link with elements of your managed or unmanaged risk mapping via our dedicated module.

Manage your recommendations and track corrective actions

Develop and implement specific recommendations and action plans for your audit findings. Recommendations/action plans can be created from audit findings or directly from their own modules.

Monitor the progress of corrective actions.

Interact with the people in charge via the in-app chat and make sure they are effectively implemented.

Carry out and document your audit assignments

Conduct your internal audits following clearly defined and documented steps.

Define the list of documents to be collected from auditees, carry out a pre-analysis/risk assessment, then during the testing phase use checklists, questionnaires and templates to guarantee the consistency and quality of your audits.

Document your observations, conclusions and recommendations in a structured way in standardized, customizable reports.

Manage your internal audit system

Ensure regular communication with all stakeholders thanks to indicators and reports covering all stages of your audit assignments (and adapted to different types of profile: auditee, COMEX, contributor, audit manager, auditor, etc.).

Anticipate, assess and manage the risks and control points identified during your audits to strengthen your organization’s governance.

Internal audit software

Field customization

The software can be configured to add, delete or rename fields describing an audit or recommendation, with the option of defining mandatory fields and establishing links with repositories such as processes, procedures, controls and risks, while automating requests for meetings, interviews and specific documentation according to the rules you define.

Internal audit software - Workflow


The activation of specific notifications for each user when the status of an item changes, e.g. the manager of the audited entity receives an e-mail with the list of documents to be loaded for the mission that will start in a few weeks’ time in his department, or the activation of an alert when a milestone is exceeded.

Adapt your workflow

Parameterization of rights and authorizations according to the workflows set up, so that the various contributors to an audit may or may not read, write or interact with certain data according to precise rules depending on their functional and organizational scope, which you can modify at any time.

Internal audit software - Feasibility matrix

Feasibility matrix

Deliver all your recommendations using a feasibility matrix that can be customized to your needs

Internal audit software - Reporting


Benefit from dynamic, real-time reporting, including tracking of the various stages of the internal audit, management of non-conformities, checkpoints to be carried out, and documents to be collected; a planning view to monitor the progress of assignments, recommendations and corrective action plans; and a standardized audit report in PDF format, for personal use.


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    Why is internal auditing crucial to your organization?

    By providing an independent assessment of management and control processes, internal auditing plays an essential role, whatever the size, activities or sector in which a company, community or public authority operates. By examining processes and operating procedures, internal auditing fosters a culture of continuous improvement. By shedding light on the organization’s performance and risks, internal audit activities help to build confidence among the various stakeholders, as well as contributing to the organization’s sustainability, image and reputation.

    Choosing collaborative internal auditing software that adapts to your specific context enables you to automate and facilitate complex processes involving numerous contributors. You’ll always have an up-to-date view of all your internal auditing activities, and you’ll be able to monitor them in real time.

    What is internal audit software?

    Internal audit software enables organizations to examine the many facets of their internal processes from every angle. Thanks to its evaluation and tracking functions, it simplifies the identification and prioritization of control points and non-conformities, providing an overall view of the audits carried out within the organization.

    Thanks to reporting and data visualization functions based on datavisualization, both private and public sector players have access to a real-time dashboard enabling them to effectively manage their internal audit activities.

    Why choose our internal audit software?

    When you use our internal audit software, you’ll find an environment containing all the fields characterizing your assignment: objectives and scope of the assignment, methodology for conducting the assignment, documents and information to be collected, deliverables, timetable, key milestones, contributors, dates of interviews, tests or controls,….

    Depending on the nature of your audit, you can easily update the necessary rules and procedures repositories and associate specific reference documents: engagement order, audit charter, previous audit reports, description of processes to be audited, flow diagrams, risk maps, control activities, organization chart, task description and analysis grid, delegations of authority, repositories, professional standards, contracts, key figures, etc.

    You can also insert review, control and validationstages, send out questionnaires, including web questionnaires that will save your contributors logging on to the internal audit software.


    What is internal auditing?

    Internal auditing is an independent and objective activity that evaluates and improves an organization’s operations. By providing advice and assurance on risk management, internal control and governance processes, internal audit aims to strengthen the effectiveness of internal processes and add value.

    Why is it important to set up an internal audit?

    Internal auditing is crucial to ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, improving internal controls, preventing fraud, optimizing operations and managing risks. By checking that the organization complies with standards, identifying weaknesses and proposing improvements, internal auditing helps maintain transparency and integrity within the organization.

    What are the key elements of an effective internal audit program?

    An effective internal audit program is based on the independence and objectivity of the auditors, their competence and qualifications, a risk assessment to prioritize the areas to be audited, structured planning with clear objectives and defined methods, and the documentation and follow-up of findings and recommendations.

    How can internal audit software help an organization?

    Internal audit software offers several benefits: it automates processes, reducing manual errors and increasing audit efficiency; it centralizes documentation, facilitating access to audit information; it enables real-time tracking and monitoring, providing dynamic reports on audit status and recommendations; and it ensures compliance with regulations and internal policies, while proactively managing risks.

    What are the advantages of using our internal audit software?

    Our internal audit software is highly configurable and can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs. It integrates easily with your ERP, CRM and other systems, providing a consolidated view of risks. With customized dashboards and real-time reporting, it enables efficient management and transparent communication with all stakeholders. What’s more, our technical support and training courses ensure that you get the most out of your system.

    How does our Internal Audit software help meet the requirements of the Sapin 2 law?

    Our software enables each audit to be documented by associating the specific risks identified in the corruption risk map. It helps demonstrate compliance by providing formal evidence to the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) that risks are being managed effectively. Follow-up on the implementation of recommendations is simplified, ensuring that corrective actions are carried out and their effectiveness assessed.